Nine Freedoms Of Churches To Multiply



  • In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words.
  • Most POY! skits require no practice in advance.
  • Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants.
  • Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along.
  • It is not necessary to employ costumes and objects, unless the skit recommends such.
  • It is not required to have an audience watch the skit. All present may participate.
  • Scripture and paraphrases, if any, usually appear in bold.


Host(ess) who also serves as Narrator

Prompter (Optional). Prompter shouts a brief line and Companions repeat it.

Companions (Optional): children and all adults who want to take part. Make sure Companions know who the Prompter is, and that they are to repeat Prompter’s words.



The apostle Paul is visiting us today. Brother Paul, we have a question. Everywhere you and Barnabas go, churches are born and multiply rapidly. What’s your secret?


There’s no secret. We grant new churches nine freedoms.


Wait! I am your District Director, and I came to make sure that Paul does not carry things too far and too fast. I’ve heard about his nine freedoms, and they seem, well,risky. Paul has no academic degree, nor is he ordained, so he’s hardly qualified to teach you these things.


I’m hosting this group, sir, and I asked Paul to instruct us. Go ahead, brother Paul.


FREEDOM # 1.(Hold up one finger.)Freeup new churches to start newer churches.

As soon as the Lord makes it possible, let young churches start newer churches.


There he goes! I warned you! For one church to start another, it must first getapproval from our regional office, have at least 60 members, and a substantial budget. You all agree with me, don’t you?


No!. You leave me discouraged!

Prompter & Companions

Discouraged! Discouraged!


FREEDOM # 2. (2 fingers.) Let new churches and cell groups obey Jesus.

Let them baptize and celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Let them obey all the commands of Christ and his apostles, above and before all man-made rules and traditions.

Peter and the other apostles taught the members of the first church in Jerusalem to obey Christ from the beginning.


But times have changed, Paul. That does not apply today!


Wait a minute, Mr. Director, please. Time changes technology, but only Jesus could change His commands.


We can summarize Jesus’ commands in seven basic rules that the 3,000 converts in Jerusalem began obeying right away.


Yes! I was there. We repented and received the Holy Spirit, were baptized, celebrated the Lord’s Supper, had loving fellowship with one another, prayed, gave to meet needs, and made disciples.


All in good time, sir (ma’am). Our churches must heed the rules that I approve. We must maintain unity, you know.You all agree, don’t you?


What you want is not spiritual unity. It is oppressive conformity. Spiritual abuse! Spare us!

Prompter & Companions

Spare us! Spare us!


FREEDOM# 3. (3 fingers.) Enter homes of unbelievers to tell them about Jesus.

Tell folks what He has done for you, for them, and everyone. Peter did so with Cornelius’ family and friends. Jesus himself said to work in this way when he sent out seventy volunteers.


I disagree, Paul. We must separate new believers at once from their friends’ bad influence!


But Jesus commands new believers to love their family and friends.


FREEDOM # 4. (4 fingers.) Baptize without delay, and serve the Lord’s Supper.

Let new churches and cells obey these commands wherever and whenever they gather. Jesus’ commanded these activities, and there’s no higher authority on earth than He.


Those sacraments are to be dispensed only by ordained clergy in a duly consecratedsanctuary. You are rushing things again, Paul. Baptismal candidates must first learn our catechism and walk on water.


Your edict brings over me a cloud of gloom!

Prompter & Companions

Gloom! Gloom! Gloom!


FREEDOM # 5. (5 fingers.) Use all the spiritual gifts that God has given to the body.

Let all believers, new and old, serve each other in intimate, loving groups. The Holy Spirit gives to all believers, including new ones, various spiritual gifts, so that they all can serve.


New believers? I can’t believe you said that! Would you let anyone do what onlyhighly trained clergy can do decently and in order? And the order is what I say it is! Only educated clergy will lead yourworship and give spiritual care.


Have you nothingbut despair to offer us ordinary mortals? Only despair?

Prompter & Companions

Despair! Despair! Despair!


FREEDOM # 6. (6 fingers.) Let any biblically qualified person shepherd a church.

Let anyone oversee, who meets the New Testament qualifications for a shepherding elder. Although they often go unrecognized, God gives pastors to His churches, as I explained in my letter to the Ephesians. These God-given shepherds serve eagerly, with or without pay.




No! You are attacking the very foundation of professional, ministerial protocol. Pastors need formal, theological education, financial strength and social position. You have lowered the standards. Our by-laws list 243 prerequisitesfornew clergy; one is that all pastors receive a professional’s salary.You all agree with me, don’t you?


Oh, no sir! You offer only Handcuffs and shackles!

Prompter & Companions

Handcuffs and shackles! Handcuffs and shackles!


FREEDOM# 7. (7 fingers.) Teach in a waythat fits a group’s size and maturity.

Teach God’s Word using any New Testament method that is easy for you and your group. The New Testament’s “one another” commands include “teach one another”, “encourage one another”, “correct one another,”“comfort one another” and more. Jesus Himself used a conversational teaching style.


For oureducated age, God ordainsproper pulpit oratory. Only homiletically sound sermons. Thus, we preach the Word with excellence.


Please, Mr. Director, please let Paul finish telling us the nine freedoms.


FREEDOM# 8. (8 fingers.) Coach leaders in response to their churches’ current needs.

Let those who train shepherds deal with the immediate needs of new churches and new leaders. This requires a menu-based training curriculum, at least part of the time, so that new leaders can choose studies and activities that fit each church’s current plans and problems. Jesus taught in response to immediate needs, just as I told Titus to deal with what was lacking in the new churches of Crete. New congregations all have different needs.


The best educators follow a standard curriculum.All students study the same thing, start in the same place, and take the same path, preparing for the future. Don’t interrupt their education by forcing them to deal with ordinary people.


How many churches have your students started after training themin that way, Mr. Tradition? Director?


That is irrelevant. We do not dummy down the church.


FREEDOM# 9. (9 fingers.) Oversee churches and coaching in the New Testament way.

In my letter to Titus, I told him to name and train new shepherding elders in Crete. In new churches in an area, we arrange to have someone oversee them. A frequent cause of new church failure is that their leaders, especially in new churches, neither seek nor receive coaching from a more experienced shepherd. These coordinators must require only what the New Testament requires, whereas you, Mr. Director, require obedience to man-made rules.


As the most educated one here, I allow no one to exercising authority until I authorize it.

You all agree, right?


I agree with Paul.

Prompter & Companions

With Paul! With Paul!


Which of the nine freedoms, if any, doyour believing friends or their churches need most, now?

(You may want to read the nine freedoms again.)


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