In Latin America, some regional associations of young churches remain limited to an area small enough so that they could meet together regularly and conveniently. This limitation allows them to take common action, implement community development, keep pastors accountable and ward off wolves. Their leaders meet often to share needs, opportunities and advice. Church members also enjoy regional celebrations where they share testimonies, energetic teaching and plenty … [Read more...]
Search Results for: coaching
Let Children Participate Actively in God’s Work
             Before Jesus fed thousands of hungry folk who had gathered to hear him in a wilderness, He asked his disciples what resources they had. Andrew replied that a boy in the crowd had offered to share his five loaves and two fish. Jesus took this boy’s offering and fed the crowd (John 6:9-10). Early church writers reported that this boy later became a Christian leader.              Children who serve actively in God’s work develop spiritually … [Read more...]
Give Care to Troubled Persons and Families
Excerpted from Come Quickly, Dawn, by George Patterson Teach these general, basic guidelines for non-professional member care, to shepherds of new cells and congregations.    1.   Let God’s light shine on the problem. Ask Him to make His Presence known and to bring His power to bear. Some ills yield only to Jesus’ miraculous touch.    2.   Listen until a problem’s root is apparent. The real issue is seldom one’s first complaint. Family conflict is rarely … [Read more...]
Training Trainers of Church Planters and Shepherds
             You can train leaders as Jesus and Paul did, in a reproductive way that helps leaders multiply leaders. Jethro told Moses how to train thousands of shepherds in this way (Exodus 18). Biblical coaching enables a leader to prepare many shepherds rapidly, starting with only one or two apprentices.              Such training, whether done during workshops, in small gatherings, as apprenticeships or by a series of sessions, collides head-on with … [Read more...]
Fifteen Reasons to Coach new Shepherds and Church Planters, Face-To-Face
       Biblical coaching of pastoral trainees, done in the way Moses, Jesus and Paul did it, proves to have many advantages. These include the following: 1.   Biblical. Moses & elders, Exodus 18. Jesus & apostles, Mark 6:7-13, 30. Paul, Timothy, Epiphras, Archippus & Nympha, Colossians  1 & 4; 2 Timothy 2:1-2. 2.  Effective. Coached leaders in disciplined training programs consistently prove more competent than do whose only training is  academic, because … [Read more...]
Point new Leaders in the Right Direction
           Any coach can follow these seven guidelines as they start to help fledgling shepherds and church planters launch into their work. 1.    Clarify long-range goals. Ask, “What do you envision will exist 20 years from now, as a result of your ministry?†If one cannot answer succinctly and concretely, or if one merely describes efforts to make along the way, then talk over long-range objectives until they are clear. 2.    Define what workers need to do … [Read more...]
Communicate with Skits and Role-plays
POY! SKIT GUIDELINES: In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words. Most POY! skits require no practice in advance. Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants. Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along. It is not necessary to employ costumes … [Read more...]
Covenant Groups
People of Yes! (POY) is a new missions initiative that helps people everywhere to say “Yes!†to completing the Great Commission. We are activists, enablers, and consultants, who love to invest in others, equipping them to expand radically the Kingdom of God, worldwide. We are coaches who work especially closely with those who are involved in church planting and similar roles that facilitate the multiplication of disciples, leaders, churches, and the next generation of coaches. In the … [Read more...]
Levels of Maturity
There are three levels of leader development: children, youth and fathers. Children are born from above and possess spiritual gifts. Immature children may manifest an aptitude for apostleship, prophesy, evangelism, shepherding or teaching. Let these serve in minor roles for a time, under supervision. Youth are eager to do battle, to go to work, even to reproduce. Let them do so, not as ordained leaders, but in starting and leading new gatherings of new believers, as apprentices to a … [Read more...]
Church Planting Movements in North America
Yes, there are highly-reproductive church-planting efforts under way in North America. One such effort is trying to track its progress at … [Read more...]