?These twelve Jesus sent out,instructing them? Mt 10:5.
Church reproduction can be enhanced by a programme of continualtraining of pastoral leaders. The pattern of a TEEE programme is found in Deuteronomy18, Matthew 10, Mark 6, Luke 9 and 10, Acts 10, Colossians 4 and 2 Timothy 2:2.
Where churchesreproduce spontaneously, existing Bible schools cannot provide enough leaders. ATEEE programme is a kind of apprenticeship that provides mentored training tonovice church planters and leaders of new cells and congregations. Studentsremain self-supported and learn on-the-job. Top
A TEEEprogramme will normally have a distinct name and be recognised as an approvedtraining programme. It should not have the same name as another programme,unless the two are officially related. Top
A TEEEprogramme is normally owned by a congregation or mission that has chosen toimplement it. Such a programme normally operates aside from formal educationalinstitutions and trains those who remain in their homes, jobs and churches. Achurch or mission does not have to ask permission to launch a TEEE programme. Top
Like Jesus andhis apostles, a TEEE programme seeks continually to bring more folks to faithin Jesus Christ by continually making disciples in new churches. Such aprogramme recognises that evangelism and theological education go hand-in-hand,for most new churches are formed from new believers and are led by apprenticeshepherds.Top
Trainers andapprentice shepherds learn all the doctrines of the Christian faith, master thestories and themes of the Bible, and acquire pastoral skills by workingon-the-job leading new congregations and cells. Theological studies remainintegrated with loving obedience to Jesus and with lovingly leading others. Top
A TEEEprogramme seeks to keep churches and cells reproducing by extending trainingthrough current students to new students. New students are enrolled as soon asthey start to lead congregations, cells or families. Normally there will be atleast four levels of trainers and students, like links in a chain. Top
The director ofa TEEE programme is usually a regional church-planting coordinator who seeks toensure that local pastors and lay missionaries receive training that enablesthem to train others in turn, and to supply them with suitable materials. Suchcoordinators are usually not voted into their office but are recognized as suchby their passion for church planting and by their diligence in training others.Top
Trainers in aTEEE programme are normally missionaries and pastors who train a few others bypersonally mentoring them and coaching them on-the-job. Such trainers usuallyremain self-supported or they are salaried by their mission or congregation.The programme does not salary trainers. One becomes a trainer by starting totrain others or is ready to do so while being trained. Trainers are usuallyrecognized as such publicly by a programme director. Top
Students in aTEEE programme are normally apprentice pastors and church planters who supportthemselves while winning new believers, starting and leading new churches, andtraining new leaders. These are being mentored by more experienced leaders andmay begin training others in the same manner. Top
Mentors seek tomeet the needs of their students? cells and congregations by listening to theirstudents? reports. Trainers plan with their students what the students will doimmediately, and trainers choose studies that will help their studentsimplement their plans. They also practice together new skills and pray togetherfor their students congregations and those whom they train, in turn. Top
A TEEEprogramme keeps costs down, so that any self-supported church planter or pastorcan afford to study. Fees are kept low enough that anyone can afford them.Trainers remain self-supported or are paid by their congregation or mission.Materials are kept inexpensive and are made available at cost or at asubsidized price. Thus, the programme requires little or no outside funding. Top
The trainingmaterials used by a TEEE programme should be written in easy language fornon-professional planters and leaders of new congregations. Materials arenormally keyed to a menu that enables trainers to find lessons that match thepressing needs of new congregations and cells. These materials can includeparts of existing books that are available to students.
Materialsalready adapted to such a menu include these:
From ProjectWorldReach www.TrainAndMultiply.com obtain in many languages by license thewell-tested Train and Multiply® programme.
From www.Paul-Timothy.netobtain the following:
Paul-Timothy which matches pastoral studies withlessons for children.
Sheherd?sStorybook intended forthose who prefer to learn through oral means.
JUMP Menu for the highly-educatedTop
It is aprivilege to be enrolled in a TEEE programme, and its materials are used onlywithin the programme. A trainer can enroll as students those who lead newcongregations or cells or are ready to start doing so. Normally, a smallenrolment fee is charged. One should not enrol all the members of a cell or church. Top
A TEEEprogramme normally does not have a campus nor does it happen in a classroom.Rather, trainers and their students meet at arranged localities convenient toboth. Top
A TEEEprogramme certifies studies completed. The director determines with studiesqualify a student for a certificate. Top
A studentenrolled in a TEEE programme will normally be mentored by a trainer betweennine and twelve months. Thereafter, students and trainers can meet as needed myappointment. All pastoral leaders, students and graduates, should attendperiodic seminars and conferences. Top
TEEE programmesare not normally accredited in the same way as bible schools and seminaries,for TEEE students are trained to plant and lead churches rather that to mastersubject matter. Nevertheless, TEEE students usually become competentmissionaries, pastors and bible teachers. Top
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