PTT Workshops



  • Experienced church planters and trainerscan orient your pastors and missionaries to mentoring and coachingpractices that help apprentice leaders to multiply congregations andcell groups.
  • Throughbible discovery, skits, simulations and discussions, your workers willlearn and practice the skills that help congregations and cells toreproduce.
  • Wherechurches, missions and development programmes have adopted biblicalconvictions and practices, new congregations and cells will normally beplanted with new believers.
  • Trainingworkshops also introduce several training materials that can be freelycopied and easily translate and adapted into local languages.
  • To keep workshops affordable, trainers ask for nothing more than the cost of their transport, and they accept local hospitality.
  • Our trainers speak English, French, Indonesian and Spanish. Workshops typically last between two and four days.

Basic convictions

  1. Co-workers agree on their vision to multiply congregations or cells, and they lay plans to do so.
  2. Shepherds make disciples by training them to obey Jesus’ commands before all else, the way Jesus said to do so.
  3. Co-ordinatorshelp shepherds and congregations to integrate evangelism and socialprojects, providing training and training materials.
  4. Shepherds train newer shepherds by mentoring them, the way Jesus did.
  5. Congregations reproduce themselves by sending their God-given apostles, as the Antioch congregation did.
  6. Trainerslisten to their apprentices report what their congregation is doing,and then help them to plan their field work and assign studiesaccordingly.
  7. Apprentices apply their studies at once, by shepherding their flocks, and by training newer shepherds.

Who should participate

  • Church & Mission leaders seeking to multiply churches.
  • Church planters willing to train apprentice leaders on the job.
  • Evangelists seeking to enfold many new believers.
  • Pastors who want to transform their congregation into a cell church.

Who should not participate

  • Those who neither lead congregations nor train leaders.
  • Promising youth who are not yet culturally respectable.

To arrange a workshop, write to [email protected]
or call Galen Currah at 503.253.0931 or 503.737.4301 or 503.517.1912 (USA).

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