Salt of the Earth

  Encourage believers to serve as “salt of the earth” and “light of the world” as Jesus said, with this compelling example of 19-century English Evangelicals (cited from The Call to Seriousness: The Evangelical Impact on the Victorians by Ian C. Bradley [New York: Macmillan Publishing Co, 1976]). 19th century English Evangelicals… Ended the British slave trade, Abolished sati (burning widows) in India, Abolished infant sacrifice in India, Banned child labor and … [Read more...]

Harmonize Different Ministries in the Church Body

  Based on 1 Corinthians 12 - 13  POY! SKIT GUIDELINES: In a small group, participants might simply read their lines, or glance at their lines to get the idea so they can speak in their own words. Most POY! skits require no practice in advance. Have any small children play a brief part. Most scripts have an optional part for children, listed last under Participants. Most scripts have a Narrator who should read the script beforehand to see how to keep moving the story along. It is not … [Read more...]

Unity or Conformity?

  Godly leaders prayerfully discern the difference between legalistic conformity and liberating unity. Ungodly leaders confuse spiritual unity in Christ with abusive conformity, bringing about division, abuse of power and misery to God’s people. Churches and Christian organizations over time evolve into program-oriented institutions, leading to both blessings and abuses. chinese food on low salt dietcanine high complex carb … [Read more...]

Rethinking Christian Education

                A seminary professor asserted that truly biblical education is relational and tied to fieldwork in churches. A student asked, “Would that not do away with most seminary courses?” The professor frowned, then smiled and admitted, “Let’s not say that too loudly around here!” Consider these crucial questions: (1) Would biblical training methods help churches and parents do a better job with children? (2) Would a New Testament type of training avoid so … [Read more...]

Memorize Gift-based Ministries by Visual Association

  If you learn by association with visual images (not everyone does), you’ll be surprised to see how soon you can fix in your mind the vital ministries that the New Testament requires of any congregation. Visualize the picture in your mind to recall the ministries.   … [Read more...]

Let Bible Characters Create Awareness of Different Spiritual Gifts

  Raise awareness of the Spirit’s different gifts, some of which are often neglected, by associating them with people in Scripture. To teach this, mention a gift and let believers suggest Bible persons that exemplified its use. Mention the answers given in the list below only if people are unable to mention someone to whom God had given the gift. Spiritual Gifts in Romans 12:6-8 enable one to… Serve: Samuel, 1 Sam. 1:20-28; 3:1-21; Deacons, Acts 6:1-7; Dorcas, Acts 9:36-41 Prophesy … [Read more...]

Church Ministries Required by the New Testament

  To chart the progress of a church or cell, mark ministries being done well by them. Develop ministries in the order that best fits the immediate needs of your people or trainee. SHEPHERDING MINISTRIES ___ Watch over the spiritual life of the flock that God has given you to tend ___ Counsel and correct the unruly firmly but without condemning, 1 Cor. 5___ Restore unruly or limping lambs, Titus 3:10-11; Gal. 6:1-2___ Counsel people with personal or family problems, as Paul did, … [Read more...]

Training Trainers of Church Planters and Shepherds

                You can train leaders as Jesus and Paul did, in a reproductive way that helps leaders multiply leaders. Jethro told Moses how to train thousands of shepherds in this way (Exodus 18). Biblical coaching enables a leader to prepare many shepherds rapidly, starting with only one or two apprentices.               Such training, whether done during workshops, in small gatherings, as apprenticeships or by a series of sessions, collides head-on with … [Read more...]

Train New Leaders as Jesus and His Apostles Did

  In India, China and many other fields, house churches are multiplying by the thousands, creating an urgent need to train both educated and deprived shepherds. Since traditional, institutional education does not meet this need to train thousands of new leaders in a healthy movement for Christ, let us examine what the Bible teaches about teaching. An obedient teacher lays a foundation of loving obedience to Jesus’ commands, just as He said to do in His Great Commission in Matthew 28. … [Read more...]

Some Mentoring Chains in Scripture

  Joseph---> officials in Egypt   Jethro ---> Moses                      Moses ---> leaders of 1000s                            Leaders of 1000s --->leaders of 100’s                                   Leaders of 100s  ---> leaders of 10 (households)   Deborah ---> Barak   Eli---> Samuel                     Samuel---> Saul                          Samuel … [Read more...]